1. Intro and Syllabus – This episode presents an overview of our 11-part series including its impetus, our objectives and summaries of the upcoming installments.
  2. Should to Shoulder – This is a look at Tune In’s most positive descriptions of John and Paul respectively. All examined passages will be from the text (i.e. the author’s own depictions of John and Paul, in his own words). By comparing how Lewisohn chooses to describe John versus Paul, we will reveal many undeniable discrepancies in word choice, enthusiasm, depth, and tone. What do these discrepancies mean? We’ll discuss!
  3. Creative Whirlwind -How does Tune In report and characterize young Lennon and McCartney as budding artists? We’ll show that Tune In significantly downplays and shortchanges (and sometimes even ignores) crucial aspects of McCartney’s artistic development and identity. Lennon’s creative development, on the other hand, is shown from all angles in loving detail and with unbridled admiration.
  4. Shells & Barriers – This episode explores Tune In’s unequal treatment of John Lennon and Paul McCartney’s childhoods, with particular attention paid to the disparate coverage of their childhood stressors, most especially the deaths of their mothers, Julia and Mary. We go pretty deep into what we know of John and Paul’s boyhoods and how those experiences shaped their personalities and affected their adult behaviors. Does Tune In do the same? For both? We’ll see.
  5. Leader Lennon – This examines what we see as Tune In’s major thesis: that John Lennon was and is the leader and implicit owner of The Beatles forever.  We’ll point out the many holes in this theory, and discuss why we disagree with it and why it is a problem.
  6. A Prolonged Jealousy – A Prolonged Jealousy tackles another of Tune In’s main talking points: that Paul McCartney is a fundamentally jealous person. We will analyze Tune In’s telling of how Paul’s obsessive, one-sided jealousy of and over John was brought to a boil by the presence of Stuart Sutcliffe in the band. Is this unforgiving portrayal of Paul’s jealousy fair? Or is it over the top? We’ll discuss!
  7. Spanner in the Works – This episode shows how Tune In portrays Paul as uniquely difficult to manage and deliberately obstructive, even to the point of sabotaging the band! We use Tune In’s reporting of the early friction between Paul and Brian Epstein as a case study to illustrate how Tune In guides the reader to side against Paul when he comes into conflict with others
  8. No Greater Buddy – This episode examines how Tune In handles the most negative behavior of John Lennon. (This is a study of Lewisohn’s coverage of John’s bad behavior, rather than the behavior itself)
  9. WTF? – This episode is a hodgepodge, collecting passages from the book that didn’t necessarily belong in any of the other episodes but that we felt warranted discussion.
  10. The Unseen Paul – In this episode, we share and discuss many quotes, stories, and insights about Paul as a child and young man (some flattering, some not) all of which are absent from Tune In. Many of these quotes and stories come from sources Tune In uses; many do not. We hope Unseen Paul can and will serve as a supplement to Tune In for anyone who wants a fuller, more balanced or more nuanced view of Paul McCartney, a vitally important figure in the Beatle story.
  11. Wrap Party – This episode summarizes what we’ve learned from the series. It includes our thoughts, apprehensions, and hopes for Mr Lewisohn’s next book as well as some recommendations for additional listening.

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